Chapter 1 Getting organized
You probably already have some ideas about how and why
you want to run your workshop. However, it might be worth working through the
following questions, reading the rest of the manual and then coming back to
this chapter later.
Who will take part?
Do you want to conduct the workshop with a whole class?
Several classes? A whole year group? Across
several year groups? Do you want to use an identified group – such as “the
gifted and talented” or “girls who lack confidence”? Will the participants be
obliged to take part or will they volunteer? How will you sell the idea to your
colleagues and to the potential participants?
Enlisting extra help
Even if you are working with your own class, you are doing
something a little unusual so some extra pairs of hands in the classroom are
welcome. Your own teaching assistants are obvious choices. Doubling up classes
can work well also – one teacher can lead and another can support.
If you invite in outsiders you school may require them to be CRB checked. They should also have
public liability insurance. Many writers who conduct school visits do have both
of these. However, at the time of writing, the Government was beginning to state
that CRB checks are not necessary for occasional visitors such as writers or
artists. The Society of Authors has argued for a long time that they are not
necessary though the National Association of Writers in Education have advised
their members to get them and have also helped them with the this. The latter
also provides its professional members with £10,000,000 of public liability
insurances. A sensible question for your writer might be therefore “Are you a
professional member of NAWE?” Note that the public liability insurance is only
effective if members of your own staff are present during the visit. This would
be sensible anyway.
Perhaps an obvious choice is a local writer who does school
visits. Be warned, however, that the Society of Authors recommended fee for a
day’s visit by a writer is £350. Nevertheless, some writers are willing to do a
shorter visit for travelling expenses and the opportunity to sell their books
and talk about their work. New writers who are finding their feet with school
visits will often work for a reduced fee. The latter could be very useful to
support your workshop; you would basically lead the workshop and they could add
in valuable insights as you go along. You may find lists of writers who are
happy to conduct school visits in the following places:
NAWE’s professional register,
Wordpool’s Contact An Author
The Society of Authors’ Search for an Author
You can always factor the writer’s fee into you expenses.
Obviously, one may also involve such bodies as the PTA or
other support groups associated with your school.
Other good workshop supporters are creative writing students
and graduates who are eager to get on PGCE courses. They are only too willing
to offer free assistance in order to complete their school experience. As with
the inexperienced writer, using them in this situation is ideal. They can learn
from you. You retain the control. They have some expertise that you don’t have.
Your school may want to get a CRB check
done, despite recent pronouncements by the Government and you must factor that
into your expenses.
In all cases, you need to allow time to acquaint these
helpers with their role and to conduct any checks.
Organizing your book
You may want to involve your students in any decision
about this, but it is probably also worth having a few ideas yourself as well.
What will you include? Do you just want to include one type
of writing e.g. non-fiction or poetry? Do you want to include some work by
everyone in the group? Or will you only include the very best work – even if
that means that only a few students will be “published”? Will the contributions
to the group be grouped by theme, type or person? Or all of these, within
Think what else you might want to include. Do you want to
write an introduction? Do you want get someone else to write a foreword?
Perhaps a senior person at your school or someone from the charity you are
supporting or maybe your invited writer? Could you include all of these people
in some way? If supporting a charity, do you want to include some information
about it in the book? Could that be a project for one of your students?
Do you want to include a contents page and / or an index? I
actually advise against including an index of authors or mentioning them in the
Contents; readers are likely to look only at the work of a person they know
- and could miss out on a real
Your theme
It’s actually a good idea to discuss any theme for your
book with your students. Get them on board. The theme is a centralizing and
motivating factor. It also allows each student to work according to their
strengths and despite their weaknesses; each can make a contribution as long as
what they produce fits the theme.
There are various ways of finding a theme and you can
explore this with your students. Your theme may be to do with:
the curriculum
a charity you wish to support
something of local interest
what is on the students’ mind
Linked with the theme is the idea of the perceived reader.
You might also like to discuss with your students who will read the book: interested
adults, children the same age as the students, younger children, people who
might benefit from the charity supported.
You might also like to ascertain the purpose of the book. Is
it to make money for your chosen charity, raise awareness about that charity or
to showcase excellent writing? Possibly it is a combination of these things.
Left to their own devices, students will conclude that they
are producing the book merely to please their teachers. By providing a theme, a
purpose and a perceived reader, you are providing your students with a
quasi-commercial perspective on the book and replicating that balance that
exists between art and commerce in the world of publishing.
Time scale
You need to decide how much time you are going to
devote to the Build a Book Workshop
and how much of what needs to be done can actually be completed outside of
“core” time.
For example, you might complete the whole workshop in a single
day, over two days or a week off timetable. You might use it as an
extracurricular activity conducted during lunch-times or a part of an
after-school club. You might make it a part of normal lessons – perhaps as a
joint activity between English, IT, Citizenship Art.
Incidentally, it may be easier to find funding if this is
conducted as an extracurricular activity.
You need to accommodate the following tasks:
Negotiating theme, purpose and reader
Setting up writing tasks
Writing and word-processing work
Launching and selling book
It may be possible to complete core tasks – e.g. setting up
writing tasks, writing, editing, designing and illustrating during a designated
time – for example on a day off timetable, and to complete the other tasks
before and after the event. In this case, the setting up writing, writing and
editing would take up about half of the time available.
Whatever you do, there will be some delay between when final
version of the work is ready and when the book comes out. You or someone with
technical expertise needs to get the book uploaded to a printer.
In any case, you will probably want to launch the book at a
suitable time in the school year which may be at some distance in time from
when your book is camera ready. You can factor that into your time plan.
It may also be possible to have a day off timetable to
kick-start the project. The project could then carry on in further curriculum
or extracurricular time.
collecting and collating work
Logistics are so important here. There will come a
point when you need all of the work in two places – on a memory stick or
similar and backed up somewhere else.
You might achieve this by rushing around at the end of the
session and collecting everything onto the stick or by getting the students to
save to a shared area. The first method is stressful and the second is safer
but requires some effort on your part later.
And there are some unfortunate certainties:
Some students will fail to save their work or
will save it to somewhere so obscure that neither you nor they will ever find it
Some students will fail to finish.
You will have to do the final edit, no matter how
well students have edited before.
Getting all of the work in and ready to become a book can be
quite a challenge. Whilst it is reasonable to say that many students will
prefer to write straight to a computer, and that asking them to do this or
word-process their work later offers them the opportunity to enhance their IT
skills, there is no certainty that they will actually finish the work no matter
how much time you allow.
You cannot possibly take on this work yourself and getting
paid help with it would make your book’s price prohibitively high.
You have to think of a way of getting this word-processing
completed. You might enlist the help of parents, or of students and graduates
who are anxious to get some school experience or you might appoint a group of
IT or design experts from amongst your students. The latter may work
particularly well if you are conducting the workshop over several weeks.
If you do not give this matter enough attention, you risk
losing your book. Factor your decision about how to get the word-processing
completed into your planning.
If you make your Build
a Book Workshop an extracurricular activity, you may be able to obtain some
funding e.g. Arts Council Small Grant. However, application processes are
time-consuming and applications are not always successful.
You may be able to tap into some funds at your own school –
for instance, is there a special fund for the Gifted and Talented, for Special
Needs or for Activities Week? Or is this workshop so much part of what you
normally do that you can use part of your normal budget to fund it?
It may not be possible to get any help. But the good news is
that the book can be self-funding – more or less. For example, if you use a
Print On Demand company, such as Lightning Source, at the time of writing, each
book costs 70p plus 1p per page to print. It costs about £48 to upload your
book and cover. You will probably want a proof copy at about £21.00. Each print
run costs £1.39, and you do have to pay shipping. The latter starts at about
£5.00 for five books but rapidly becomes a lot cheaper the more you order.
Discounts are usually given on print runs over 50. It would probably be easy to
sell a hundred books if you worked with a whole year group. So, if you retail
your book at £4.00, and sell 100 you cover print costs, set-up costs and
shipping and have quite a bit left over for your designated charity. If your
marketing campaign flops completely and you don’t sell a single book, you’ll
have a nice book for the school library and you’ll have spent about £70 on a
worthwhile workshop. But actually, you’re likely to sell at least as many books
as there are participants in the workshop. If you put your price up to £5.00,
you are some way to covering the cost of a visiting writer even if they charge
full price.
We actually offer a package where we provide a visiting
writer, set up the title for you, and guarantee £1.00 profit per hard copy book
sold and 50% of profit on the e-book that comes automatically in the package.
We do ask, though, that you pay the writer’s travel expenses.
Of course, if your budget runs to it, you might consider
providing each student with a free copy of the book.
And if all of that still remains unaffordable, consider
creating a web site instead. This can be done without spending a penny. You can
still link to a charity. You might, however, want to consider purchasing a
domain name – at about £10.99 for two years. How to do this is explained in
Setting up a Web Book.
Some post-workshop tasks
Whichever way you time your workshop there will be some
rather tedious tasks to complete afterwards. The excitement will be over, and a
book can fail at this point because a busy teacher cannot find the time or
motivation to complete the tasks.
Delegation, diarising and critical time planning are
important here. The next chapter deals with critical time-planning. Here is a
list of what needs to be completed after the workshop:
Word-processing of students’ work
All work to be given a final edit
Camera ready Word document to be produced
Book to be prepared for uploading to the printer
(See The Technical Stuff)
Market book
Order copies
Have a book launch
Allow about ten hours for each of these activities. Remember, it doesn’t need to be you that does the work and it needn’t be done at one sitting. Your book launch, for instance, will probably last about two hours but may need up to eight hours preparation.
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